Raviv Ganchrow (October 22, 2022)
Raviv Ganchrow researches the interdependencies of sound, locale and hearing through installations, writing, and the development of transduction technologies. His sound works attend to spatial-material manifestations of oscillations in conditions such as environmental infrasound, telluric currents, long-range radio, ocean acoustics, and anechoic chambers. Recent installations employ in-situ circuits patched directly into locales, relaying contextual dynamics. He publishes, workshops, and lectures broadly on auditory contexts and the spatial-material agency of sound and is currently a faculty member at the Institute of Sonology, University of the Arts, The Hague.
Meike Schalk (October 29, 2022)
Meike Schalk is an architect, associate professor in urban design and urban theory and docent in architecture at KTH School of Architecture. She is head of the doctoral program in Architecture, and the interdisciplinary doctoral program in Art, Technology and Design, a temporary collaboration with Konstfack - the University of Arts, Crafts and Design in Stockholm. Currently, she is also an Anna Boyksen Fellow at the Technical University in Munich (2020-2022) for exploring gender- and diversity-relevant themes in technosciences together with colleagues at TUM.
ENTANGLED MILIEUS: Co-Constituting a Shared Futurity
Conference organizersentangledmilieus@gmail.com
ENTANGLED MILIEUS: Co-Constituting a Shared FuturityENTANGLED MILIEUS: Co-Constituting a Shared Futurity0.00EUROnlineOnly2019-01-01T00:00:00Z
To be announcedTo be announced